5  The spectrogram

The spectrograms produced by praatpicture are by default similar to those produced by Praat, but users have a lot of options regarding both the general appearance of spectrograms and the underlying signal processing. We’ll cover those options here.

5.1 Appearance

5.1.1 Frequency range

The spectrogram by default shows a frequency range between 0–5,000 Hz. The frequency range can be controlled with the spec_freqRange argument. For example, here we’ve removed the lowest frequencies (< 200 Hz), and extended the upper range to 10,000 Hz. This can be useful when you want to see what’s going on with sibilant-like sounds!

             frames = c('sound', 'spectrogram'),
             proportion = c(30,70),
             wave_color = 'grey',
             spec_freqRange = c(200,10000))

5.1.2 Dynamic range

The dynamic range of the spectrogram is set to 50 dB by default, meaning that energy below 50 dB under the maximum amplitude in the spectrogram is rendered as white. This can be controlled with the spec_dynamicRange argument. The current Praat default is actually a bit higher, namely 70 dB, as shown here:

             frames = c('sound', 'spectrogram'),
             proportion = c(30,70),
             wave_color = 'grey',
             spec_dynamicRange = 70)

A very high dynamic range will give a spectrogram without any white areas:

             frames = c('sound', 'spectrogram'),
             proportion = c(30,70),
             wave_color = 'grey',
             spec_dynamicRange = 150)

And with a very low dynamic range, only areas with very high energy is shown:

             frames = c('sound', 'spectrogram'),
             proportion = c(30,70),
             wave_color = 'grey',
             spec_dynamicRange = 30)

5.1.3 Coloring options

By default, areas of the specrogram with low energy are rendered in white and areas with energy in black. This is controlled with the spec_color argument, which should be at least two colors. For example, you could render high frequencies in blue like so:

             frames = c('sound', 'spectrogram'),
             proportion = c(30,70),
             wave_color = 'grey',
             spec_color = c('white', 'blue'))

It is also possible to use more complicated color schemes, by specifying both the color used for lowest values, highest values, and any number of in-between values. For example, this plot uses brown for high values, white for low values, and a bunch of pink-ish hues for in-between values

             frames = c('sound', 'spectrogram'),
             proportion = c(30,70),
             wave_color = 'grey',
             spec_color = c('white', 'pink', 'magenta', 'purple', 'brown'))

5.1.4 Axis label

The label along the y-axis says Frequency (Hz) by default. This is controlled with the spec_axisLabel argument; here’s one that just says Spectrogram:

             frames = c('sound', 'spectrogram'),
             proportion = c(30,70),
             wave_color = 'grey',
             spec_axisLabel = 'Spectrogram')

5.2 Signal processing

5.2.1 Source signal

When plotting multi-channel data, the spectrogram is always based on one of the channels. By default it is the first one, as shown here:

             start = 0.6, end = 2.4,
             frames = c('sound', 'spectrogram'))

If we were interested in using a different channel for the spectrogram, the spec_channel argument can be used for that purpose. Here’s a spectrogram showing the intraoral pressure signal:

             start = 0.6, end = 2.4,
             frames = c('sound', 'spectrogram'),
             spec_channel = 4)

5.2.2 Window length

The default window length used for generating spectra is 5 ms, following Praat. This gives you a narrowband spectrogram. Window length is controlled with the spec_windowLength argument. For example, using 30 ms will give you a broadband spectrogram. This has lower temporal resolution, but is great for seeing the harmonics!

             frames = c('sound', 'spectrogram'),
             proportion = c(30,70),
             wave_color = 'grey',
             spec_windowLength = 0.03)

5.2.3 Window shape

Spectra are generated with Gaussian windows by default, but a range of other shapes are available. A bunch of other options are available, although the difference between most of them is marginal. Gaussian window shapes are a bit slower, but the difference is small enough that it should make a difference for most users.

This uses Hamming windows:

             frames = c('sound', 'spectrogram'),
             proportion = c(30,70),
             wave_color = 'grey',
             spec_windowShape = 'Hamming')

Hanning windows:

             frames = c('sound', 'spectrogram'),
             proportion = c(30,70),
             wave_color = 'grey',
             spec_windowShape = 'Hanning')

Bartlett windows:

             frames = c('sound', 'spectrogram'),
             proportion = c(30,70),
             wave_color = 'grey',
             spec_windowShape = 'Bartlett')

And here square (or ‘rectangular’) windows, which is equivalent to an un-edited window. These spectrograms clearly look worse:

             frames = c('sound', 'spectrogram'),
             proportion = c(30,70),
             wave_color = 'grey',
             spec_windowShape = 'square')

5.2.4 Time step

By default, spectrograms are composed of 1,000 spectral slices. This is controlled with the spec_timeStep argument. Lowering this will speed up generating the spectrogram, but the spectrogram will likely look pixellated. Here is one composed from “only” 200 spectral slices:

             frames = c('sound', 'spectrogram'),
             proportion = c(30,70),
             wave_color = 'grey',
             spec_timeStep = 200)

500 spectral slices will usually be enough to render a spectrogram that doesn’t look pixellated, and will also speed up generating the spectrogram a fair bit.

             frames = c('sound', 'spectrogram'),
             proportion = c(30,70),
             wave_color = 'grey',
             spec_timeStep = 500)

If you’re printing a really large plot, that might not be enough though. 1,000 is enough for most purposes, but again, if you’re printing something very large, you may want to set a higher time step.