Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. 2023. Stop! Hey, what’s that sound? The representation and realization of Danish stops. Amsterdam: Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics. (LOT Dissertation Series 631). doi:10.48273/LOT0631. open access | data and code
Journal articles (refereed)
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus, Henrik Jørgensen & Camilla Søballe Horslund. 2024. A diachronic account of Present Day Standard Danish stop gradation. Phonological reorganization through prosodically conditioned chain shifts and mergers. Diachronica (ahead of print). doi:10.1075/dia.23068.pug. access behind paywall
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. 2024. International og dansk praksis i notationen af lukkelyde. Nydanske Sprogstudier 66, 180–215. doi:10.7146/nys.v1i66.145000. open access | data
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. 2024. Variation in fine phonetic detail can modulate the outcome of sound change. The case of stop gradation and laryngeal contrast implementation in Jutland Danish. Journal of Phonetics 106. doi:10.1016/j.wocn.2024.101354. open access | commented analysis code | data and code
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. 2022. Analyzing time-varying spectral characteristics of speech with function-on-scalar regression. Journal of Phonetics 95. doi:10.1016/j.wocn.2022.101191. open access | data and code
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus, Camilla Søballe Horslund & Henrik Jørgensen. 2022. The rarity of intervocalic voicing of stops in Danish spontaneous speech. Laboratory Phonology 13(11). doi:10.16995/labphon.6449. open access | data and code
Horslund, Camilla Søballe, Rasmus Puggaard-Rode & Henrik Jørgensen. 2022. A phonetically-based phoneme analysis of the Danish consonant system. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 54(1), 73–105. doi:10.1080/03740463.2021.2022866. open access
Puggaard, Rasmus. 2020. The grammar of giants. Late-stage debonding of kæmpe ‘giant’ in Danish. Scandinavian Studies in Language 11(2), 1–21. doi:10.7146/sss.v11i2.123476. open access | data
Puggaard, Rasmus. 2019. Flexibility of frequent clause openers in talk-in-interaction. Det ‘it, that’ and så ‘then’ in the prefield in Danish. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 42(3), 291–327. doi:10.1017/S0332586519000088. open access
Puggaard, Rasmus. 2018. Realizations of /t/ in Jutlandic dialects of Danish. Linguistica Lettica 26, 368–393. pdf
Puggaard, Rasmus. 2018. Telefoniske båndpasfiltres indflydelse på talergenkendelse. Høje frekvenser og dansk /t/. Nydanske Sprogstudier 54, 129–155. Special issue: Anvendt sprogvidenskab. doi:10.7146/nys.v1i54.107156. open access
Chapters in edited volumes
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus, Bert Botma & Janet Grijzenhout. 2023. Towards a quantized representation of phonological stop contrasts. In Florian Breit, Bert Botma, Marijn van ’t Veer & Marc van Oostendorp (eds.), Primitives of phonological structure (Oxford Studies in Phonology & Phonetics), 305–322. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198791126.003.0012. access behind paywall
Puggaard, Rasmus. 2021. Modeling regional variation in voice onset time of Jutlandic varieties of Danish. In Hans Van de Velde, Remco Knooihuizen & Nanna Haug Hilton (eds.), Language variation. European perspectives VIII (Studies in Language Variation 25), 79–110. John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/silv.25.04pug. pdf | full volume | data and code
Puggaard, Rasmus. 2020. The productive acquisition of dental obstruents by Danish learners of Chinese. In Chen Dongyan & Daniel Bell (eds.), Explorations of Chinese theoretical and applied linguistics, 168–195. Cambridge Scholars. open access
Steensig, Jakob, Karen Kiil Brøcker, Caroline Grønkjær, Magnus Glenvad Tind Hamann, Rasmus Puggaard Hansen, Maria Jørgensen, Mathias Høyer Kragelund, Nicholas Hedegaard Mikkelsen, Tina Mølgaard, Henriette Folkmann Pedersen, Søren Sandager Sørensen & Emilie Tholstrup. 2013. The DanTIN project. Creating a platform for describing the grammar of Danish talk-in-interaction. In Jan Heegård Petersen & Peter Juel Henrichsen (eds.), New perspectives on speech in action (Copenhagen Studies in Language 43), 195–225. Samfundslitteratur. open access
Articles in conference proceedings
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus & Kathleen Jepson. 2024. Stop production in Dhuwaya. Implications for literacy teaching. In Pärtel Lippus (ed.), Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics, 71–76. International Speech Communication Association. doi:10.21437/ISAPh.2024-14. open access
Jepson, Kathleen & Rasmus Puggaard-Rode. 2024. Vowel duration beyond contrastive length in Djambarrpuyŋu. In Olga Maxwell & Rikke Bundgaard-Nielsen (eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, 142–146. Australasian Speech Science and Techonology Association. open access
Kirby, James, Rasmus Puggaard-Rode, Sireemas Maspong & Francesco Burroni. 2024. Effects of coda consonants on preceding vowel F0 in Eastern Khmu. In Yiya Chen, Aoju Chen & Amalia Arvaniti (eds.), Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024, 324–328. International Speech Communication Association. doi:10.21437/SpeechProsody.2024-66. pdf
Jepson, Kathleen, Rasmus Puggaard-Rode & John Mansfield. 2024. Stylised sustained prosody in three Australian languages. In Yiya Chen, Aoju Chen & Amalia Arvaniti (eds.), Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024, 980–984. International Speech Communication Association. doi:10.21437/SpeechProsody.2024-198. pdf
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. 2024. praatpicture
. A library for making flexible Praat Picture-style figures in R. In Cécile Fougeron & Pascal Perrier (eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Seminar on Speech Production, 131–134. International Speech Communication Association. doi:10.21437/issp.2024-34. pdf
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. 2023. The /t/ release in Jutland Danish. Decomposing the spectrum with functional PCA. In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 3262–3266. Guarant. pdf | html
Horslund, Camilla Søballe, Henrik Jørgensen & Rasmus Puggaard. 2021. En alternativ, fonetisk baseret fonemanalyse af det danske konsonantsystem. In Yonatan Goldshtein, Inger Schoonderbeek Hansen & Tina Thode Hougaard (eds.), 18. møde om udforskningen af dansk sprog, 251–267. Aarhus University. pdf | full volume
Puggaard, Rasmus. 2019. Fundamentfeltet i danske samtaler. In Yonatan Goldshtein, Inger Schoonderbeek Hansen & Tina Thode Hougaard (eds.), 17. møde om udforskningen af dansk sprog, 395–413. Aarhus University. pdf | full volume
Sloos, Marjoleine, Liang Jie, Ne Xuechao, Rasmus Puggaard Hansen, Yan Mengzhu & Zhang Chun. 2015. Speech rhythm of the Danish–Chinese interlanguage relies on rhyme structure. In Proceedings of the Oriental COCOSDA/CASLRE conference, 305–310. Shanghai Jiaotong University. open access
Edited volumes
Holtz, Annie, Iva Kovač & Rasmus Puggaard-Rode (eds.) 2022. Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. pdf
Holtz, Annie, Iva Kovač, Rasmus Puggaard-Rode & Joanna Wall (eds.) 2021. Proceedings of the 29th Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. pdf
Journal articles (non-refereed)
Puggaard, Rasmus. 2020. A Semiotic Grammar account of copula clauses in Danish. Skrifter om Samtalegrammatik 7(4). pdf
Goldshtein, Yonatan & Rasmus Puggaard. 2019. Overblik over danske dialektoptagelser. Ord & Sag 39, 18–28. pdf | full volume
Conference and workshop presentations
Block, Aleese, Rasmus Puggaard-Rode & Francesco Burroni. “Reconceptualizing soft d in Danish”. Fonologi i Norden 10, February 20–21, 2025, University of Oslo.
Jepson, Kathleen & Rasmus Puggaard-Rode. “Vowel duration beyond contrastive length in Djambarrpuyŋu”. Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology 19, December 3–5, 2024, University of Melbourne.
Jepson, Kathleen, Rasmus Puggaard-Rode & John Mansfield. “Finding and describing stylised sustained prosody in Australian languages”. Australian Linguistic Society 57, November 26–29, 2024, Australian National University, Canberra.
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus, Francesco Burroni & Aleese Block. “Udtalen af det bløde d”. Møde om udforskningen af dansk sprog 20, October 10–11, 2024, Aarhus University.
Jepson, Kathleen & Rasmus Puggaard-Rode. “Stop production in Dhuwaya. Implications for literacy teaching”. International Symposium on Applied Phonetics 5, September 30–October 2, 2024, University of Tartu.
Jepson, Kathleen, Rasmus Puggaard-Rode & John Mansfield. “Stylised sustained prosody in three Australian languages”. Speech Prosody 12, July 2–5, 2024, Leiden University. slides | paper
Kirby, James, Rasmus Puggaard-Rode, Francesco Burroni & Sireemas Maspong. “Effects of coda consonants on preceding vowel F0 in Eastern Khmu’”. Speech Prosody 12, July 2–5, 2024, Leiden University. paper
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus & Francesco Burroni. “Articulation of the Danish soft d. A pilot study using electromagnetic articulography”. Fonologi i Norden 9, February 23–24, 2024, Stockholm University. abstract | slides
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. “The /t/ release in Jutland Danish. Decomposing the spectrum with functional PCA”. International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 20, August 7–11, 2023, Prague Congress Center. slides | paper
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. “Covariation between fine phonetic detail and outcomes of sound change in the microtypology of Jutland Danish dialects”. Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language 3, May 26–27, 2023, Hanyang University, Seoul. abstract | slides
Horslund, Camilla Søballe, Rasmus Puggaard-Rode & Henrik Jørgensen. “Glossematics vs Glossematics. A discussion of some phonological analyses by Hjelmslev and Uldall in the light of glossematic theory”. Rebooting Glossematics, November 29–30, 2022, Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen. abstract | slides
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus, Camilla Søballe Horslund & Henrik Jørgensen. “Closure voicing in Danish stops. Phonetics, phonology, variation, and history”, Phonetics and Phonology in Denmark 3, November 17–18, 2022, University of Copenhagen. abstract | slides
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus, Henrik Jørgensen & Camilla Søballe Horslund. “Consonant gradation in Southern Scandinavia. A sound law and its outcome”, Fonologi i Norden 7, January 13–14, 2022, virtual meeting hosted at Aarhus University. abstract | slides
Horslund, Camilla Søballe, Rasmus Puggaard & Henrik Jørgensen. “An alternative, phonetically based phoneme analysis of the Danish consonant system”, Establishing phoneme boundaries. Argumentation and cross-linguistic comparability, workshop at International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics 12, June 14–18, 2021, virtual meeting hosted at University of Oslo. abstract | slides
Puggaard, Rasmus, Camilla Søballe Horslund & Henrik Jørgensen. “Intervocalic voicing of Danish stops”, Phonetics and Phonology in Denmark 2, November 31–December 1, 2020, virtual meeting hosted at Aarhus University. abstract | slides
Puggaard, Rasmus. “Affrikation af klusiler i jyske dialekter”, Møde om Udforskningen af det Danske Sprog 18, October 8–9, 2020, virtual meeting hosted at Aarhus University. abstract | slides
Horslund, Camilla Søballe, Rasmus Puggaard & Henrik Jørgensen. “En alternativ, fonetisk baseret fonemanalyse af det danske konsonantsystem”, Møde om Udforskningen af det Danske Sprog 18, October 8–9, 2020, virtual meeting hosted at Aarhus University. abstract | slides
Puggaard, Rasmus & Yonatan Goldshtein. “Realization and representation of plosives in Jutlandic varieties of Danish. Variation in phonetics predicts variation in phonology”, Laboratory Phonology 17, July 5–9, 2020, virtual meeting hosted at University of British Columbia, Vancouver. abstract | handout | slides | video
Puggaard, Rasmus. “Plosives in weak prosodic positions in Jutlandic Danishes. Variation in realization or representation?”, Fonologi i Norden 5, February 21–22, 2020, University of South-Eastern Norway, Drammen. abstract | slides
Puggaard, Rasmus, Janet Grijzenhout & Bert Botma. “The acoustics of phonological contrast. Fortis and lenis stops in Danish and Dutch”, Phonetik und Phonologie Tagung 15, September 26–27, 2019, Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf. abstract
Botma, Bert, Janet Grijzenhout & Rasmus Puggaard. “Aspiration and contrast. Phrase-medial bilabial stops in Danish, Dutch, and German”, Grote Taaldag, February 2, 2019, Utrecht University. abstract
Steensig, Jakob, Søren Sandager Sørensen, Andrea Bruun, Sidsel Holm, Amalie Vonge Jensen, Ehm Hjorth Miltersen, Maria Jørgensen, Mari-Liis Schmidt & Rasmus Puggaard. “Next steps and methodological problems in the development of a complete grammar of Danish talk-in-interaction”, 2-hour workshop hosted at Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Interaction 5, November 21–23, 2018, Aarhus University.
Puggaard, Rasmus. “Fundamentfeltets funktion i danske samtaler”, Møde om Udforskningen af det Danske Sprog 17, October 11–12, 2018, Aarhus University. abstract | slides
Puggaard, Rasmus. “Realizations of /t/ in Jutlandic dialects of Danish”, Contemporary Research in Phonetics and Phonology: Methods, aspects, and problems 4, May 11–12, 2017, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Rīga. abstract | slides
Puggaard, Rasmus. “How do Danish L2 learners produce the distinction between tai–cai–zai?”, International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, December 10-12, 2015, Newcastle University. abstract | slides
Steensig, Jakob, Tina Mølgaard, Rasmus Puggaard Hansen, Emilie Tholstrup, Nicholas Hedegaard Mikkelsen, Caroline Grønkjær, Magnus Glenvad Tind Hamann, Mathias Høyer Kragelund, Henriette Folkmann Pedersen, Karen Kiil Brøcker, Søren Sandager Sørensen & Maria Jørgensen. “A multiple approach matrix for describing grammar in interaction”, One-hour workshop hosted at SJUSK – Symposium on Contemporary Speech Habits and Pronunciation Patterns 2, March 18–20, 2013, Copenhagen Business School.
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. “praatpicture
. A library for making flexible Praat Picture-style figures in R”, International Seminar on Speech Production 13, May 13–17, 2024, L’Escandille, Autrans–Méaudre en Vercors. abstract | poster | paper
Tan, Maryann, James Kirby & Rasmus Puggaard-Rode. “Investigating the effects of laryngeal contrasts on vowel fundamental frequency in Central Swedish stop consonants”, Fonologi i Norden 9, February 23–24, 2024, Stockholm University. abstract | poster
Jørgensen, Henrik, Rasmus Puggaard-Rode & Camilla Søballe Horslund. “The phonemic aspects of Glossematics in a present-day light”, Edinburgh Symposium on Historical Phonology, December 4–5, 2023, University of Edinburgh. abstract | poster
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. “Time-varying spectral characteristics of Danish stop releases”, Coping with the complexity in speech production and perception, July 4–8, 2022, Haus Chorin. abstract | poster
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus, Camilla Søballe Horslund & Henrik Jørgensen. “Modern Standard Danish stop gradations explained diachronically”, Edinburgh Symposium on Historical Phonology 5, December 6–8, 2021, virtual meeting hosted at University of Edinburgh. abstract | poster
Grijzenhout, Janet, Rasmus Puggaard & Bert Botma. “Laryngeal timing relationships in Germanic. A Q Theory approach”, Berkeley Linguistics Society – Phonological Representations. At the Crossroad between Gradience and Categoricity, February 7–8, 2020, University of California – Berkeley. abstract | poster
Puggaard, Rasmus. “Regional variation in plosive realization in Danish”, Dag van de Fonetiek, December 13, 2019, University of Amsterdam. abstract | poster
Puggaard, Rasmus. “Microvariation in stop realization as a regional feature of Danish”, International Conference on Language Variation in Europe 10, June 26–28, 2019, Frisian Academy, Leeuwarden. abstract | poster
Puggaard, Rasmus & Yonatan Goldshtein. “Large-scale corpus-based analysis of regional varieties of Danish”, International Conference on Language Variation in Europe 10, June 26–28, 2019, Frisian Academy, Leeuwarden. abstract | poster
Sloos, Marjoleine, Liang Jie, Ne Xuechao, Rasmus Puggaard Hansen, Yan Mengzhu & Zhang Chun. “Speech rhythm of the Danish-Chinese interlanguage relies on rhyme structure”, Conference on Asian Spoken Language Research and Evaluation 2, October 28–30, 2015, Jiaotong University, Shanghai.
Invited talks
Puggaard, Rasmus. “Variation i udtalen af jyske klusiler. En korpusundersøgelse”, Sproglig variation og sproghistorie, December 9, 2019, Aarhus University. slides
Steensig, Jakob & Rasmus Puggaard. “A syntax for conversation. Social action formats and/or abstract clause models?”, DanTIN Day. The 10th anniversary celebration of the DanTIN group, November 13, 2019, Aarhus University.
Departmental talks and guest lectures
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus, James Kirby & Nicolai Pharao. “Revisiting CF0 in Danish”, Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing PhD and Postdoc Kolloquium, December 5, 2024, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
Kirby, James, Rasmus Puggaard-Rode, Francesco Burroni & Sireemas Maspong. “Effects of coda consonants on preceding vowel F0 in Eastern Khmu’”. Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing PhD and Postdoc Kolloquium, June 20, 2024, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
Jepson, Kathleen & Rasmus Puggaard-Rode. “An iconic prosodic pattern in three Australian languages”, Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing PhD and Postdoc Kolloquium, April 25, 2024, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. “Introducing praatpicture
, an R package for people who like the way Praat’s figures look but would prefer not to make them in Praat”, Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing PhD and Postdoc Kolloquium, February 1, 2024, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. praatpicture
demonstration. December 7, 2023, Lancaster University Phonetics Lab.
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. “Variation in fine phonetic detail modulates the outcome of sound change. The case of stop lenition in Jutland Danish”, December 7, 2023, Lancaster University Phonetics Lab. slides
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. “getVOT
, or: How I learned to stop hand-annotating and love the computer”, Sounds of Language and Speech, June 6, 2023, Aarhus University. slides
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. “Covariation between fine phonetic detail and outcomes of sound change in the microtypology of Jutland Danish dialects”, Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing PhD and Postdoc Kolloquium, May 11, 2023, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. “Analyzing the spectrum with functional data analysis”, Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing PhD and Postdoc Kolloquium, December 8, 2022, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. slides
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. “Data management and data sharing. The linguistics perspective”, guest lecture at data management training course for graduate students, November 3, 2022, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. Course coordinator: Kristina Hettne.
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. “Hans Basbøll’s Sonority Syllable Model”, guest lecture given in MA course Advanced Phonology 2, March 17, 2022, Leiden University. Course coordinator: Bert Botma.
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. “The synchrony and diachrony of Modern Standard Danish stop-glide alternations”, Tromsø/Verona Fall Activites in Phonology, October 18, 2021, virtual colloquium hosted at The Arctic University of Norway – Tromsø. slides
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. “Holistic analysis of Danish stop releases. *slaps roof of functional regression model* this bad boy can fit so many dimensions in it”, Sounds of Language and Speech, September 22, 2021, virtual colloquium hosted at Aarhus University. slides
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. “Delayed dialectology with legacy corpora”, September 10, 2021, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics.
Puggaard, Rasmus. “Stop! Hey, what’s that sound? Everybody, look what’s going down! or: what the last three years have taught me about Danish stops, luckily including something we did not already know, and including a radical proposal about how some of this may be underlyingly represented”, Verona Spring Activities in Phonology, May 10, 2021, virtual colloquium hosted at University of Verona. slides
Puggaard, Rasmus. “Hans Basbøll’s Sonority Syllable Model”, guest lecture given in MA course Advanced Phonology 2, March 17, 2021, Leiden University. Course coordinator: Bert Botma.
Puggaard, Rasmus. “Data management and data sharing. The linguist’s perspective”, guest lecture at data management training course for graduate students, November 23, 2020, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. Course coordinator: Fieke Schoots.
Puggaard, Rasmus. “Looking into stops. Phonological representation below the level of the segment”, Sounds of Language and Speech, October 26, 2020, virtual colloquium hosted at Aarhus University. slides
Grijzenhout, Janet, Rasmus Puggaard & Bert Botma. “On pees and bees”, opening lecture for the academic year, BA English Language & Culture, September 3, 2019, Leiden University.
Puggaard, Rasmus. “Regional microvariation in Danish stop consonants”, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics PhD symposium, November 16, 2018, Leiden University.
Puggaard, Rasmus. “Realization of /t/ in Jutlandic dialects of Danish”, Sounds of Language and Speech, June 2, 2017, Aarhus University.
Other output
. Robust epoch and pitch estimation in R. R package version 0.0.4 (October–December 2024). Available on GitHub.
. Predict voice onset time. R package version 0.2.0. (February 2023–November 2024). Available on GitHub.
. Make Praat Picture style plots of acoustic data. R package version 1.2.0. (August 2023–October 2024) Available on CRAN.
. Convenience functions for working with emuR
. R package version 0.1.5 (January 2023–January 2024). Available on GitHub.
. Assign features to phonetic characters. R package version 0.1.2 (January–February 2023). Available on GitHub.
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. 2024. Make Praat Picture-style plots of acoustic data in R. link
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. 2023. Predicting VOT-related landmarks in R with getVOT
. Linguistics Methods Hub. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8039257. link
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus. 2023. Generating and analyzing multitaper spectra in R. link
The function of the foundation field in Danish talk-in-interaction. On the intersection of interactional organization, information structure, and syntactic coding. MA thesis, Aarhus University. Supervised by Jakob Steensig. pdf
The productive acquisition of dental obstruents by Danish learners of Chinese. BA thesis, Aarhus University. Supervised by William McGregor. pdf
Blog posts
(2022/12/30) “En mystisk genudgivelse af en klassisk lærebog i fonetik”. Review of Steffen Heger’s Elementær dansk fonetik, 3rd ed., for Lingoblog.
(2022/04/25) “When consonants become vowels. A view from Danish and Dutch”. Leiden Language Blog.
(2020/05/12) “Hvordan kunne et lydnært dansk skriftsprog se ud?” Lingoblog.
(2020/02/18) “Er Oscar’erne ikke længere #SoEnglish?” Lingoblog.
(2019/12/17) “En på alle måder tung julegave: Anmeldelse af vestgrønlandsk grammatik”. Review of Flemming A.J. Nielsen’s Vestgrønlandsk grammatik for Lingoblog.
(2018/04/19) “En lingvists Belgien-eventyr: Et semester på KU Leuven”. Lingoblog.
Media appearances
(2022/07/27) Interview with the PhonPod podcast. Available on Spotify, Amazon Music, Stitcher, and AnchorFM.
(2022/05/30) Interview with Zetland: “Ska vi staav’ soem vi taal’r? Når vi prøver, gør det os klogere på sproget”.
(2020/05/19) Report on about a blog post of mine: “Tanker om et lydnært skriftsprog”.
(2019/09/24) Interview with Studenterbrød: “Hvorfor siger den italienske frø ikke som den danske frø?”