Academic positions

2022– Postdoctoral research scientist
Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich

2021–2022 Two fixed-term part-time positions as lecturer
Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication, University of Amsterdam

2018–2022 PhD fellow
Leiden University Centre for Linguistics

2013–2017 Various teaching and research assistant positions
School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University


2023 PhD in Linguistics
Leiden University

2018 MA in Linguistics
Aarhus University

2016 BA in Linguistics and China Studies
Aarhus University


2020 The Arctic University of Norway – Tromsø
Center for Advanced Studies in Linguistics
3 month research visit

2018 Aarhus University
Peter Skautrup Centre for Jutlandic Dialect Research
2 month research visit

2017–2018 KU Leuven
ResMA Advanced Studies in Linguistics
Full semester exchange

2016 Peking University
European–Chinese Language and Culture Programme
Full semester exchange

Research grants

2024 Carlsberg Foundation Reintegration Fellowship (CF24-1380), DKK 1,899,313 (approx. €250,000)
Category-shifting Change in Real Time (CatChaRT)

Other grants and awards

2024 Journal of Phonetics 2023 Best Early Career Scholar’s Article of the Year, $250

2020 William Demant Fonden travel grant, €800 (annulled due to COVID-19 outbreak)
Leids Universiteits Fonds travel grant, €1.600

2017 Aarhus University Arts travel grant, €550

2015 Aarhus University Arts travel grant, €800
Aarhus University Linguistics Department travel grant, €200

Conference and workshop organization

2024 How segments influence prosody in the languages of the world
Special session of Speech Prosody hosted at Leiden University, 2–5 July
Co-organized with Menghui Shi

2021 Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe 29
Digital meeting hosted at Leiden University, 26–28 January

2018 Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Interaction 5
Aarhus University, 21–23 November

2015 Bias in Auditory Perception
Aarhus University, 18–20 September


Funding applications

National Science Centre Poland, OPUS-26 scheme (2024)

Journal articles

Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (2022)
Glossa (2021)
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2024 x 2)
Laboratory Phonology (2023)
Nydanske Sprogstudier (2023)
Ord & Sag (2024)
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review (2024)

Book chapters

Brill (2024)
Springer (2023)

Proceedings articles

International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (2023)
Møderne om udforskningen af dansk sprog (2019, 2021)

Conference abstracts

Conference of the Student Organization for Linguistics in Europe (2023)
Laboratory Phonology (2022)
Phonology in the Nordic Countries (2021)

Other service

Professional service and outreach

2021–2023 Board member of Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe

2017–2018 High school presentations with the Danish Talk-in-Interaction (DanTIN) group

2014–2015 Research assistant for the Cognitive Creolistics project at Aarhus University

2014 Establishing and editing working papers journal Skrifter om Samtalegrammatik

2013–2018 Establishing and editing

University service

2017 Student member of grade appeal board

2015–2018 Exercises with new students during intro week in BA Linguistics, Aarhus University

2014 Mentor for new undergraduate students in BA Linguistics, Aarhus University

2013 Organizing and hosting intro week for new undergraduate students in BA Linguistics, Aarhus University

Professional memberships

2023– International Phonetic Association

2021– Association for Laboratory Phonology

Affiliated research networks

2022– Empirical Foundations of Phonology (EmpiPhon)

2020–2022 Open Science Community, Leiden

2020–2021 Tromsø/Verona phonology circle

2017– Sounds of Language and Speech (Aarhus University)

2015 Danish-accented Chinese (Aarhus University)

2013–2018 Danish Talk-in-Interaction (DanTiN)


Danish: Native

English: Full professional proficiency

Dutch: Passive proficiency very high, active proficiency good
Coursework to B1 level in 2018–2019

German: Passive proficiency very high, active proficiency decent
3 years of elementary school courses in 2005–2008

Standard Chinese: Decent reading, basic passive and communicative proficiency
Coursework to B2 level in 2014–2016

Norwegian: Fluent reading and very high passive proficiency

Swedish: Near-fluent reading and decent passive proficiency

Icelandic: Basic reading skills
Followed intense summer school (2015)

French: Basic reading skills

Castilian Spanish: Very low proficiency
3 years of high school courses (2008–2011)

Arabic: Some passive knowledge but no proficiency
Followed evening school course (2014)

Coding and technical skills

R: High proficiency
Data processing, plotting, acoustic analysis, typesetting (with RMarkdown and Quarto), package preparation and maintenance, and statistical analysis (see below)

Praat: High proficiency
Acoustic analysis, scripting

LaTeX: Decent proficiency
Typesetting, figures, plotting

Git: Decent proficiency
Version control, collaborative projects

VBA: Basic proficiency
Data preprocessing

bash: Basic proficiency
Various types of task automatization

HTML: Basic proficiency

Python: Basic proficiency

Statistical expertise

Linear and logistic (mixed) models
Generalized additive (mixed) models
Functional (mixed) models
Growth curve analysis
(Functional) principal component analysis
Multiple correspondence analysis


Full term courses

Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich

2023 Phonetics and statistics
BA3 Phonetics and Speech Processing
Taught seminars, graded weekly exercises
Course coordinator: James Kirby

University of Amsterdam

2022 Introduction to linguistics
BA1 Linguistics
Taught seminars (two groups), graded final presentations
Course coordinator: Enoch O. Aboh

2021 Phonetics
BA1 Linguistics
Taught seminars (two groups) in a hybrid format, graded weekly exercises
Course coordinator: Marijn van ’t Veer
Nominated for the Faculty of Humanities Education Award 2022

2021 Phonology
BA2 Linguistics
Taught seminars in a hybrid format, graded exercises and final presentations
Course coordinator: Silke Hamann
Nominated for the Faculty of Humanities Education Award 2022

Leiden University

2022 Words, sentences, and sounds in interaction
BA3 English Language & Culture
Co-taught and co-coordinated with Janet Grijzenhout

2022 Analyzing English words and sounds
BA1 English Language & Culture
Taught seminars (two groups) and gave one lecture
Course coordinators: Bert Botma and Marion Elenbaas

2019–2021 The phonetics of English
BA1 English Language & Culture
2019: Taught seminars
2020: Taught seminars (three groups in person, one group online) and gave one online lecture
2021: Taught seminars in the first block
Course coordinator: Bert Botma

Aarhus University

2016 Understanding linguistics
BA1 Linguistics
Taught seminars (two groups)
Course coordinator: William McGregor

2014 Structure, meaning, and use
BA2 Linguistics
Teaching assistant, gave feedback on assignments
Course coordinator: Jan Rijkhoff

2014 Danish and the languages of the World
BA1 Linguistics
Teaching assistant, gave feedback on assignments
Course coordinator: Line Krogager Andersen

2013 Phonetics and phonology
BA1 Linguistics
Taught seminars (three groups), graded assignments
Course coordinator: Marjoleine Sloos


2024 Plotting acoustics data with the praatpicture R library and Shiny app
3-hour workshop
Phonetics and Phonology in Denmark 4, University of Copenhagen

2017 Acoustics and Praat
3-hour workshop
Department of Linguistics, Aarhus University

Guest lectures

2021–2022 Advanced phonology 2
MA Linguistics, Leiden University
Course coordinator: Bert Botma

2020–2022 Data management
Centre for Linguistics graduate school, Leiden University
Course coordinators: Fieke Schoots and Kristina Hettne


2021 Two BA theses in BA English Language & Culture, Leiden University